All files / src/compiler/phases/3-transform/client/visitors global.js

98.43% Statements 126/128
94% Branches 47/50
100% Functions 4/4
98.4% Lines 123/125

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import is_reference from 'is-reference';
import { serialize_get_binding, serialize_set_binding } from '../utils.js';
import * as b from '../../../../utils/builders.js';
/** @type {import('../types').Visitors} */
export const global_visitors = {
	Identifier(node, { path, state }) {
		if (is_reference(node, /** @type {import('estree').Node} */ ( {
			if ( === '$$props') {
			return serialize_get_binding(node, state);
	MemberExpression(node, { state, next }) {
		// rewrite `this.#foo` as `this.#foo.v` inside a constructor
		if ( === 'PrivateIdentifier') {
			const field = state.private_state.get(;
			if (field) {
				return state.in_constructor ? b.member(node,'v')) :'$.get', node);
		} else if (node.object.type === 'ThisExpression') {
			// rewrite `` as `this.#foo.v` inside a constructor
			if ( === 'Identifier' && !node.computed) {
				const field = state.public_state.get(;
				if (field && state.in_constructor) {
					return b.member(b.member(b.this,,'v'));
	AssignmentExpression(node, context) {
		return serialize_set_binding(node, context,;
	UpdateExpression(node, context) {
		const { state, next, visit } = context;
		const argument = node.argument;
		if (argument.type === 'Identifier') {
			const binding = state.scope.get(;
			const is_store = binding?.kind === 'store_sub';
			const name = is_store ? :;
			// use runtime functions for smaller output
			if (
				binding?.kind === 'state' ||
				binding?.kind === 'frozen_state' ||
				binding?.kind === 'each' ||
				binding?.kind === 'legacy_reactive' ||
				binding?.kind === 'prop' ||
				binding?.kind === 'bindable_prop' ||
			) {
				/** @type {import('estree').Expression[]} */
				const args = [];
				let fn = '$.update';
				if (node.prefix) fn += '_pre';
				if (is_store) {
					fn += '_store';
					args.push(serialize_get_binding(, state),'$' + name));
				} else {
					if (binding.kind === 'prop' || binding.kind === 'bindable_prop') fn += '_prop';
				if (node.operator === '--') {
				return, ...args);
			return next();
		} else if (
			argument.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
			argument.object.type === 'ThisExpression' && === 'PrivateIdentifier' &&
		) {
			let fn = '$.update';
			if (node.prefix) fn += '_pre';
			/** @type {import('estree').Expression[]} */
			const args = [argument];
			if (node.operator === '--') {
			return, ...args);
		} else {
			// turn it into an IIFEE assignment expression: i++ -> (() => { const $$value = i; i+=1; return $$value; })
			const assignment = b.assignment(
				node.operator === '++' ? '+=' : '-=',
				/** @type {import('estree').Pattern} */ (argument),
			const serialized_assignment = serialize_set_binding(assignment, context, () => assignment);
			const value = /** @type {import('estree').Expression} */ (visit(argument));
			if (serialized_assignment === assignment) {
				// No change to output -> nothing to transform -> we can keep the original update expression
				return next();
			} else if (context.state.analysis.runes) {
				return serialized_assignment;
			} else {
				/** @type {import('estree').Statement[]} */
				let statements;
				if (node.prefix) {
					statements = [b.stmt(serialized_assignment), b.return(value)];
				} else {
					const tmp_id = state.scope.generate('$$value');
					statements = [
						b.const(tmp_id, value),