All files / src/internal/client/dev elements.js

91.89% Statements 68/74
94.44% Branches 17/18
100% Functions 3/3
91.54% Lines 65/71

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { HYDRATION_END, HYDRATION_START } from '../../../constants.js';
import { hydrating } from '../dom/hydration.js';
import { is_array } from '../utils.js';
 * @param {any} fn
 * @param {string} filename
 * @param {import('../../../compiler/phases/3-transform/client/types.js').SourceLocation[]} locations
 * @returns {any}
export function add_locations(fn, filename, locations) {
	return (/** @type {any[]} */ ...args) => {
		const dom = fn(...args);
		const nodes = hydrating
			? is_array(dom)
				? dom
				: [dom]
			: dom.nodeType === 11
				? Array.from(dom.childNodes)
				: [dom];
		assign_locations(nodes, filename, locations);
		return dom;
 * @param {Element} element
 * @param {string} filename
 * @param {import('../../../compiler/phases/3-transform/client/types.js').SourceLocation} location
function assign_location(element, filename, location) {
	// @ts-expect-error
	element.__svelte_meta = {
		loc: { file: filename, line: location[0], column: location[1] }
	if (location[2]) {
			/** @type {import('#client').TemplateNode[]} */ (Array.from(element.childNodes)),
 * @param {import('#client').TemplateNode[]} nodes
 * @param {string} filename
 * @param {import('../../../compiler/phases/3-transform/client/types.js').SourceLocation[]} locations
function assign_locations(nodes, filename, locations) {
	var j = 0;
	var depth = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i += 1) {
		var node = nodes[i];
		if (hydrating && node.nodeType === 8) {
			var comment = /** @type {Comment} */ (node);
			if ( === HYDRATION_START) depth += 1;
			if ( depth -= 1;
		if (depth === 0 && node.nodeType === 1) {
			assign_location(/** @type {Element} */ (node), filename, locations[j++]);